Why casual sex appeals to men

Often times, women seek serious and more committed relationship unlike the masculine folks. Most women are often left frustrated when they meet a guy they really love only to find out having a serious relationship is not on his to-do list. Some of the reasons men find casual sex appealing are discussed below.

Breakups can be very devastating and while some think it has a more telling effect on men, others believe otherwise. The fact however remains that it can pretty difficult going through a split and can actually turn two former lovers to great enemies. Men would rather avoid this feeling of hatred and enmity and go for the easier and safer option of casual sex. Even when there is a breakup in a casual sex relationship, there is an indifferent feeling and no party has to suffer the grunts and pains of having his or her heart broken. Most people will state the terms of the relationship early in the game to avoid any misunderstanding as the relationship grows in age.

Another reason men love casual is the fun that comes with it. Bed buddies or sex mates as they are sometimes called have all the fun and having a no-strings-attached relationship can be really fun especially if no hint of getting serious is left. A night at the club or a dinner outing that ends up with both parties lying naked on the bed the next morning sounds more fun and interesting.

Men also find having a casual sex relationship as a way of distancing themselves from intimacy. Avoiding such topics or subjects that could indicate serious relationships and define their lifestyle can mean trouble and any would-be player would rather avoid emotional strings.

Men would also rather go for casual sex as opposed to having a serious relationship if they have a phobia for commitment. Some men will prefer to sleep around with many hot women than having to go home to the same woman every night. The word commitment sounds like a taboo to such men and having casual sex is a far better option.

Not all men are the type that would have a relationship. For one reason or the other, some men are not just the relationship type. Some men find it difficult to have a long-term relationship and all attempts to have one have met brick walls. Keeping things simple and fun seem to be the better way out and casual sex offers just that. So why not opt for casual sex instead of the continuous try for a long-term relationship that will end up in nothing but failure and heartbreak.

There are reasons men enjoy casual sex but the reasons mentioned above are some of the most common reasons casual sex appeals to men.


Why casual sex appeals to women

There are a lot of reasons women engage in sexual sex as opposed to having a serious long-term relationship. From the fun to the discovery of new things about sex and yourself, women go into casual sex relationship for a lot of reasons. Sex does not have to always be about the emotions and sometimes, sex is just sex. Some of the reasons for casual sex as far as the female folks are concerned are mentioned below.

Fun is probably the primary reason and the most common reason women find casual sex appealing. Sex is fun and every second sent having sex should be fun and while some find having sex with someone they love to be great and fun, others do not have that luxury.

With casual sex, there is no need for commitment as there are no strings attached and one needs not dedicate her time to him for any other reason than sex. And this can sometimes be a good feeling.

Another reason casual sex appeal to women is the tons of lessons about sexuality they can learn even as they have fun. Casual sex allows the lady discover new things about herself and the other party. She gets to learn what she likes and what she doesn’t and also learns what the other person can do for her. This is a win-win situation and ladies can therefore know what to do behind closed doors when in a serious relationship.

Casual sex also appeals to women is that there no promises made and thus, none to be fulfilled or broken. This however requires both parties knowing the terms of the relationship from the very beginning. With the terms clearly stated and the lines completely clear, sex remains sex and the relationship stays casual with no person getting hurt.

Women can be very emotional and in a bid to avoid the emotional stress that comes with being in a serious relationship or even having heartbreak, they go for casual sex. This allows for the fulfilment of their sexual desires with absolutely no emotions involved.

Besides the sexuality lessons gotten from having a casual sex relationship, there is also the part that allows women learn more about their emotions. And whether this is true or not, women engage in casual sex for this reason.

These are just few of the many reasons casual sex appeal to women. Some school of thought even believes casual sex is healthy.



5 things to say to a girl which will guarantee you get laid

Getting laid can sometimes be a big deal especially if you are not looking to have a long-term relationship with her and all you want is some casual sex with no strings attached. Getting her to sleep with you should however not be a difficult and what most men actually lack is the right set of words to help you get her naked. A very important factor for your line to work is that your prospective partner should be predisposed to getting naked with you. With the following lines, you almost have a 100 percent chance of getting laid.

“You look so hot right now”Casual Sex Banner This seems to be a perfect line regardless of the situation or what she has on. Whether it is a ball gown or a bikini and in whatever situation you both find yourselves, these words have a way of making her desirable as opposed to the perception of just wanting her body. try to show some sincerity and you are sure to get laid.

“Can I see you again without having to yell?” This is most appropriate for a girl you meet in a loud environment like the club or bar. It is a better way of saying “let’s go somewhere quieter”. It sounds less pushy and a bit more mature. It also gives her a feeling you would like to see her again.

“You totally turn me on” Try to follow up this statement with an unexpected attribute. Try to like her eyes, hair, and even her curves. A woman loves to feel like woman and it does not matter her body type, she want her man to complement even if it is not totally true. Letting her know you find her lovely even makes her want you more.

“I am not in it for sex” This seems to be the perfect line as she is just about wrestling with the same question. You should however be aware of making promises you are most likely not to keep. Be wary of making long term commitments as regards the relationship as you have to deal with it after those few magical minutes of sex.

“I want it to be a special moment…can we wait?” Call it reverse psychology if you like but such statements will almost likely make her jump into your arms or even into the bed quicker than you think. Be sure not to push it if she eventually agrees as this can make you look like a liar. Getting in those pants isn’t a difficult task if the right techniques are used and with the right statements, you are on your to nailing that girl.


Being a single mum venturing into dating, especially speed dating can be a scary experience. The thoughts of what to do, how to act and whether or not dating is the most appropriate thing is sure to cloud the mind. You are also considering your kids and finding the most appropriate guy that will accept them and vice versa.

In the midst of all these, it is very important you do things for yourself. Your physical and mental health should be kept as perfect as possible. Socializing and dating is very good for the body. There are several advices on the internet from dating sites on how to date happily and successfully as a single mum. It however all boils down to being happy. A summary of these tips is presented below.

Sincerity and honesty are important factors to having a fun filled date as a single mum. Most single mums will like to hide the fact that they have kids when on a date with man especially if the man has never had a child. It is true that some men freak out on hearing this but most guys will be receptive and even see you as more responsible. Men find single men to be stable.

It is also essential to have a good attitude when speed dating. This actually applies to dating in general. There is absolutely no need to hit your ex with negative remarks or to be negative about your situation. Speed dating gives you only some few minutes to make a lasting impression and your attitude can be determinant in the outcome of that date.

When going for speed dating, you want to be fully prepared. Arming yourself with some questions to ask your dates can help fasten the process of knowing your dates. Make sure these questions are important to you.

Presentation matters in speed dating. Some men can actually profile a woman based on how she is dressed. Some men see single women as being frumpy. Moderation is essential here as you do not want to show up looking like a super model but you should try your best to look nice and simple.

When one is speed dating, YOU are the most important party. It is therefore important to be yourself and let those interested be attracted to you as you are. You should not try to make someone like you or change you as the consequence can be severe in the long run.

Remember, you are strong, beautiful, and amazing. Being a single mum isn’t a disease so do not make it look like one.

For more information visit www.happymumdays.com



Lesbianism is becoming a very popular phenomenon with the community having its own language. For those wondering what being a lesbian is, a lesbian is a woman who loves other women and is sexually attracted to other women. Lesbians are not at all attracted to men whether or not there is a woman around.

As a young lesbian or someone new to the lesbian community, it is normal to find yourself lost during discussions in a group or social outing. Like any other community, the lesbian community has some shared terms used in describing their roles, identities, and behaviours. The amount of information to learn as a new lesbian can be overwhelming and exhausting. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used lesbian terms that allows for easy communication within the community and you are sure to never get lost in communication again.

Dyke – it is another word for lesbian and is sometimes used as a derogative term. And just like the N word, lesbians have reclaimed the term and is now a term of strength and power with only people in the community allowed to use it.

Baby Dyke – this refers to a young lesbian or someone new to lesbianism and is often immature.

Drag King – this term is used to refer to a woman that dresses like a man often in a performance.

Butch – this is a lesbian with masculine appearance and manners and often identifies with stereotypically masculine activities.

Femme – this is a lesbian with feminine appearance and manners and is often identifies with activities famous with the feminine folks.

Lip Stick Lesbian – a lipstick lesbian is similar to a femme but with even more feminine features and characters.

MTF – this is a male that has transitioned into a woman. They are referred to as trans woman. Some don’t support their inclusion in the LGBT community.

Sapphic – this is related to the Poet Sappho who was a lyrical Poet from the Island of Lesbos. Her poems had female homosexuality theses and the term was derived from the word Lesbos.

There are several other terms used in the lesbian community. Some of those terms are soft bunch and gold star or star lesbian.

A good understanding of these terms and the language of the lesbian community can be very helpful especially of you are just joining the community. This is allows for easy and effective communication.

If you are looking for lesbian dating, please visit either lesbian sex finder or lesbian dating finder for more information





The irony of life is when the masculine folks wonder where all the horny women are, and the women wonder how they can initiate casual sex. Women with the guts and courage to approach a guy or man for a no strings attached relationship are usually seen as being wayward or loose. This makes it difficult for many women to initiate casual sex. The fact however is that there is always someone somewhere looking for casual sex just as you; you only have to search the right places.

There are some strategic places to look when in search of a partner for casual sex. Some of those places include local clubs, online dating sites, and special interest groups. You might also want to visit swingers clubs for a no string attached relationship.

One of the easiest ways of finding a casual sex partner is to go on adult online dating sites. While some of these sites are targeted towards persons looking for a life partner, some are specifically designed to match up persons wanting casual sex and relationships with absolutely no emotional attachments.

Very good dating sites will have match ups in locations around the globe guaranteeing users a partner anywhere they are. It simply means wherever you are in search of casual sex, you are sure of getting a partner wanting the same thing.

This can also be a good way of allowing that adventurous spirit in you out. You can imagine chatting up a guy on the site who lives in UK while you are a resident of the US. This gives you some excuse to jump on the plane and take a flight to the UK. Imagine the fun of having sex with a new friend in a hotel far away from home. Crazy, isn’t it?

The first step in setting up an encounter is getting on the site and talking to guys. The internet affords the opportunity to say everything and anything with element of shyness. This kind of chatting is not only fun, it is also safe as you might end you never meeting some of these men.

It gets better for women as some dating sites offer free membership to women. So you need not pay for the pleasure of finding men and hooking up with them if you are eventually lucky. You can call that some gender equality of you so wish.

Despite the large number of women in the world, it is quite amazing how these wonderful creations are still in high demand.

So initiating a casual sex for a woman is very easy. You can do this in any way you please and the best place to start is to join a good quality adult dating site. Be sure to check out the reliability and safety of the site before registering.


The Best Places to Meet Women for Casual Sex – Great Tips for Guys NOT Looking for Relationships

It is largely believed that men need to put in a huge effort in meeting women and romancing ladies. This is true for some women but there are also lots of women that just want casual sex. This might be due to the increased sexualisation of the western society but the fact remains that women nowadays are more assertive about expressing their sexuality and are happy to let the words about their love and want for sex come out of their mouths. This is unlike the more conservative woman of some years ago that would have been branded a slut or whore if such words come out of her mouth. The fear to voice their desires lingered in their minds but today, it is a much different and somewhat better scenario.

The question of where a man finds such a woman interested in nothing but sex with a man with no strings attached arises. No thought of settling down or having a long-term commitment is allowed. The first and most obvious place especially in the UK is where alcohol is sold and consumed. Women tend to open up more on their sexual wants and desires once they are lubricated. There are other very good spots to pick up women interested in casual sex. For folks interested in casual sex in the UK, the locations and venues listed below are worth considering.

Casual Sex Banner

Football Matches/Games

Women sports fans have been found to be more promiscuous than those who sit at home doing some ironing and knitting. Women who love to see men run around playing sports especially while they drink a beer or two are very good candidates for picking up and taking home.

Car Racing

Something comes with the power, noise, and energy if motor racing events that gets ladies hot and horny and wanting to get laid. It gets them wanting some special kind of servicing and tuning up. Women that are into motor sports and car racing are generally eager to have some fun and engage in some guilt free sexual encounter with guys they meet at the track.

Horse Racing Track

Maybe not too particular in the UK, women for casual sex can be very well found at spots that combine drinking, gambling, and sports. It can be of some benefit to go along with some friends as these women are usually in packs and this allows some of your friends go home a date.

The Internet

You might want to save your stress the stress and money involved in attending the outdoor activities mentioned above and is there any better place to get casual sex partners than the internet. The internet saves time, money, and effort as you have several women to pick from by just surfing the internet. There are sites online that have been specially designed to help match individuals wanting casual sex. These sites usually have ladies from all around the UK so you need not worry about your location and whether or not there are girls to quench your sexual thirst.


It is fast becoming a hot topic and a fast trending one at that to see women previously leaving their husbands to be with other women. Several reasons and factors have been attributed to this trend. Some people say women turn to other women in middle ages because the older men are going for younger women, leaving the older women with no one.

Other say these women fall in love with a person who happens to be a female and these feelings has nothing to do with the gender of the other party as they do not see themselves as lesbians. The other group of women have always been attracted to women for a very long time but never had the guts to accept the fact that they are lesbians and never really gave themselves permission to act on these feelings. The self-confidence was later developed later in their lives.

The first emotion for a single lesbian in midlife is panic. Going to the bars to meet other women can be a horrifying experience. There are however other places and activities that allow lesbians to meet like –minded women. The internet offers a wealth of platforms to meet other lesbians.

Middle aged lesbians tend to be more selective as they want to avoid another short term relationship. Is as much as there is the need and desire to share their lives with someone else, experience has thought middle aged lesbians to patiently wait for Ms. Right than to get involve in a relationship destined to fail.

A very surprising thing about midlife dating as regards lesbians is that it is quite easy to find a girlfriend. Unless a single lesbian decides to remain single, it takes a relatively short time to get a partner. This might be due to the fact that women are more emotional, intense, and passionate when it comes to intimate relationships. Lesbians, especially the older ones however prefer to remain single until the right match comes in order to avoid the relationship burning out in little time.

Other dating adventures seem unchanged but experience has thought middle aged lesbians on how to make the best of choices.

A very common mistake among middle aged lesbians is the rush to find someone to date. This can be devastating and lesbians should rather work on being happy and self-dependent and the ladies are sure to come calling. Suitors find confident and independent ladies more attractive than the desperate ones.

It can be a bit difficult for midlife lesbians to bounce back after a breakup and the best way to deal with this is to regularly hangout with buddies for a while. This helps get the swing back and eases the pathway for getting another relationship on the way.

Middle aged lesbians should not fret about finding a good catch. Indeed in the lesbian community, there are many singles in midlife that are good catches. The recycling process in the community ensures there are always eligible, mature women who have been there, done that, and are now ready for a steady, committed relationship.
For more information about lesbian dating and lesbian casual sex  visit Lesbian Sex Finder

The Dogging Trend

Dogging is a sex tend that has its origin from the United Kingdom and has gained popularity in several countries around the world with nations liken Canada, the US, Germany, France and New Zealand joining the queue. It is essentially having sex in a car parked in a public place with other people joining in or just watching. It comes in handy for folks wanting a one-night tryst that should not go beyond the public park.

The name originates from Peeping Toms that would follow or dog couples hoping to catch them in the act. It was done in tube stations late in the night and just recently, the parking lots and parks have been having their own share of dogging.

It sounds a bit fun if you are the adventurous type. For the interested ones, here are some information on where to find the scene and some tips on how it is done.


Finding doggers is pretty thanks to technology. The internet is the first point of call for doggers and remains one of the best places to get doggers. Internet forums and newsgroups provide a platform for doggers to find each other. It is quicker and easier as some forums go as far as posting times and places of these events. Websites for doggers in the UK list the most popular secluded locations like parking lots and public parks.

The Bluetooth technology also avails doggers the opportunity to find each other. With the Bluetooth technology, phones in the vicinity can be found while in a night club or public transport and a general proposition sent to these phones just to check if there is any interested party.

Now that doggers have found each other, there is the need to know how the act is done.

One way is to invite voyeurs to approach the car to allow them get a full view of happenings. Parking the cart in a somewhat visible spot and flashing the headlights or leaving the interior car light on signals everyone that doggers are about to have something go down.

Be sure to give onlookers a good view by rolling down the windows to allow them get a very good view of the action. After all, that is what dogging is all about.

If you are generous enough and you would not mind sharing the action, opening the door to invite other would not be such a bad idea. Fling the doors open and let one of them come in or better still, get out if the vehicle. And if you are looking for dogging locations then there are a few site like Dogging Finder who can help

Dogging has been around for decades with some studies showing it emerged in the mid twentieth century. It has however been made more fashionable and fun with the youths everywhere introducing some dynamism to the act or “art”.

You would be surprised at how many people actually go dogging around the work, dogging in the usa is very popular too.

The art of dogging is a special one, so If you are interested in meeting people who like dogging, hook up using Dogging Finder


It can be very shocking to suddenly realise you are a lesbian in the later stages of your life; let’s say you are already 40. The somewhat lucky ones find like-minded folks and therefore seek out a relationship. This certainly involves having the first date with a woman and this might seem a bit weird being the first lesbian date.

There is really no need to worry as the concept remains the same. It is just two people meeting each other and learning more about each other in order to determine if they will be a second meeting and a possible long term one at that. For the first date however, parties need not think far of a long term or lifetime relationship as this might be too early and can put some pressure on both parties. Attraction might be instant, but love usually needs time and some kid of nurturing to grow. So if you enjoy the first date and all seems to be working well with both parties looking compatible, it might be giving the second date a try.

It is however advised that you be patient as the attraction on the first date might just be a flash that will possibly result in short lived and stormy affairs. So you might want to be patient and take it slow. Remember, an attraction does not necessarily guarantee compatibility.

Going back to the basics of first dates, asking for the date can be a trying process. Unlike in straight relationships where the man has to make the move, it is up to any of the parties to initiate the move. It is advisable you jump as the sooner you ask the better. This reduces the anxiety and the agonizing wait. It also helps you develop some confidence that will surely make the next invitation easier. The invitation should be as personal as possible and this can be done in person or on the phone.

There are no rules to whether you meet up each other or a party offering to pick up the other. If you want a nightcap, you might consider a pick up as this usually mean dropping off and even more.

It is advised that you do not go beyond your comfort zone on the first date. This is particularly true as regards expectations of sexual activity. Clearly state your limits and do not be afraid to state your feeling if you feel pressured. Do not pressurize your date either, it is simply bad manners.

There are also no rules regarding the party to handle the bills for the date. You can either split the bill or one of you pays. Either way, make sure you are cautious of obligation concerns and getting into a controlling relationship.

Always remind yourself of the primary goal of the first date – learning more about each other and testing your compatibility. Keep these points in mind and you can be rest assured of having a nice time.